Using artistic form for aesthetic organizational inquiry:

Rimini Protokoll constructs Daimler’s Annual General Meeting as a theatre play

Von Brigitte Biehl-Missal

01.06.2012 /


School of Management and Business, Aberystwyth University, Penglais Campus,
Cledwyn Building, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DD, UK (Received 15 December 2009; final version received 6 September 2010)
This paper reviews and analyses an artistic intervention in the context of aesthetic organizational inquiry and theatre in organizations. Having served as inspiration and as a tool within organizations, theatre now has returned the favour: Rimini Protokoll, a group of directors, used Daimler’s 2009 Annual General Meeting in Berlin as a ready-made and constructed it as a theatre play entitled Hauptversammlung. Two hundred theatre spectators were channelled into the event via the purchase of shares. This study focuses on the aesthetic experience of the event and underlines the potential of artistic forms for aesthetic organizational inquiry. Implications suggest that a so-called postdramatic, nonlinear aesthetic form can be most promising for enabling critical interpretations of organizational issues.
Keywords: aesthetic experience; artistic intervention; performance; theatre in organizations

due to copywright matters we can only provide you with the above abstract of Dr. Brigitte Biehl-Missal's 19 pages text which can be downloaded here:

in case you have deeper interest in Brigitte's research on this project you're welcome to contact her. Email:

