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ORF On Beitrag
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Stefan Kaegi about Mirror Neurons
Trailer Mirror Neurons
DER TAG in Berlin & Brandenburg | rbb (, 20.6.2024
This is not an Embassy (Made in Taiwan)_Trailer
Trailer Société Anonyme
100% Triangle Documentation
Der kaukasische Kreidekreis_Trailer mit engl. UT
Der kaukasische Kreidekreis_Trailer 1
Der kaukasiche Kreidekreis_Trailer 2
Shared Landscapes - Trailer
100% Narva
Documentation 16 scenes for a forest (engl.)
In the studio // MIF 2023
All right. Good night. (Trailer)
All right. Good night. (Documentation)
FOLGE #05 Rimini Protokoll
Inhalt oder Form – Was zuerst da ist. Mit Helgard Haug und John von Düffel
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Unboxing Past (Trailer)
The Walks (Trailer)
The Walks Trailer_Wasser
The Walks Trailer_Supermarkt
The Walks Trailer_Verkehrsinsel
The Walks Trailer_Aufbruch
The Walks Trailer_Friedhof
The Walks Trailer_Ampel
The Walks Trailer_Theater
The Walks Trailer_Park
The Walks Trailer_Straße
The Walks Trailer_Pedestrian Lights
The Walks Trailer_Supermarket
The Walks Trailer_Street
The Walks Trailer_Roundabout
The Walks Trailer_Cemetry
The Walks Trailer_Water
Documentation Urban Nature
Conference of the Absent_film
Conference of the Absent (Trailer)
Temple du présent. (Trailer)
100% Kaohsiung Documentation
Trailer (Schauspiel Stuttgart / german)
Black Box (Trailer Stuttgart with engl. subtitles)