Société Anonyme

By Stefan Kaegi

Lights on, stage cleared! In theatre, people step into the light for the audience to watch and identify with them. But what about those who avoid the spotlight? Where to put concerns which need the protection of anonymity, like democracy needs the ballot box? How can the intimacy of conversations in the dark be transferred to the theatre? With eyes closed listening is more fruitful. Whether during confession, in the darkroom, at the stock market, in chat forums, on the phone or during a power cut: without light and a face, space is created for a part of society that avoids glamour.

In "Société Anonyme", darkness grants stories and tellers protection from shame, fear and judgement. From darkweb to telephone counselling, behind the veil of the hijab or the tinted window of a limousine, with whistleblowers and the hacker group Anonymous... In the dark room, the image of another city develops.

Stefan Kaegi stages invisible performers and technically sophisticated, spacial audio technology to take the audience into the underexposed areas of coexistence. It is commonly said: "What you see is what you get". But since Mackie Messer, it's also clear what's being missed in the process: "Those in darkness drop from sight."

With: Live musician Gül Prodat and anonymous voices
Concept and direction: Stefan Kaegi
Music: Arvild Joh. Baud
Space: Aljoscha Begrich
Dramaturgy: Aljoscha Begrich, Ludwig Haugk
Accompaniment & stage assistance: Paula Doerksen, Martina Vermaaten
Collaboration research: Morín Alejandra González Mena
Technical direction & Light design touring: Joscha Eckert
Sound Operator Touring: Fabian Tombers
Production management touring: Juliane Männel, Lara Fischer
‘Société Anonyme’ is a production of Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg, in co-operation with Rimini Protokoll and Residenz Schauspiel Leipzig.