Invitation to a picnic with camera at the Hero* Principle exhibition


on July 30, Gatow


Our exhibition Prinzip Held* has been running for four weeks in Gatow in Hangar 5 on the site of the former airport and current Military History Museum of the German Armed Forces.

On 30 July, we will be filming the exhibition for a trailer and for a documentary of the work and therefore invite you to a special filming day including a picnic and a chat with us. Unfortunately, it's a Tuesday. But the journey out there is a Berlin experience in its own right. It can easily be combined with a ferry trip from Wannsee and a dip in the Glienicker See not far from the exhibition!

It would be great if you could give a few hours of your time and spend it with us so that we can show people who use the exhibition. And maybe it's more fun to visit it together anyway and, above all, to ‘play’ the Hero*Machine.


Please let us know if you have time to come during the following times:


10:30 -14.00 Uhr (Lunch is at 13:00 Uhr)

14 - 17.30 Uhr


Directions: in Google Maps just search Prinzip Held 


The address of the visitor entrance only is: Am Flugplatz Gatow 33, 14089 Berlin.

Admission is free.


With BVG

The BVG offers various routes to the address of the visitor entrance.

The easiest way seems to be the ‘Leonardo-da-Vinci-Straße’ stop.

From there, it's another 15-minute walk to the museum entrance.


Fun and Ferry

take the bike and S-Bahn S-Bahn to Wannsee with their bycicles, then cross over on the ferry, come to us and then enjoy the evening in the lake. 


By car

If you come by car, you can park on the premises free of charge.

Some satnavs prefer you to enter ‘Leonardo-da-Vinci-Straße 94, 14089 Berlin’.

From there, the museum is signposted, drive past the sports field on the right and towards the hangar.

The museum entrance is the first gate on the right, flanked by a small white house.

At the entrance, please say that you would like to see Rimini Protokoll in Hangar 5.


If you are interested, please contact:
Juliane Männel,