Herrmann's Battle

- Kleist by Rimini Protokoll

By Helgard Haug / Daniel Wetzel

A young woman flies to her hometown of Cairo, right into the heart of the insurgency. The euphoria of arrival is soon replaced with scepticism and her Facebook community soon dissolves into a tangle of squabbling conflict. An older woman's nights in Berlin are haunted by the memories of her traumatic experiences in Srebrenica. A young hacker, who turns his back first on the U.S. and then on Israel, explores the potential extremes the internet offers for anonymous money transfer, encrypted markets and total concealment. A veteran hacker, who sees the internet as a place of indelible memory, goes back through the young, unprotected data networks of high-security institutions. A text, which makes the fight for freedom it's goal and which demands subordination from everthing and everyone. After "Wallenstein", "Karl Marx: Das Kapital, Erster Band," "Breaking News" and "Prometheus in Athens," Helgard Haug and Daniel Wetzel undertake another theatrical adventure which will bring a group of experts of their own biography's onto a collision course with a text whose radicalism supersedes the needs of the individual and will simulate the great movement for those who allow themselves to be cast under its spell. Eginhardt: ... All teutoburg now leis in ash and ruin! - Herrmann: That may be! But we’ll build ourselves a better one.


By: Helgard Haug / Daniel Wetzel

With: Barbara Bishay - facebook-(counter) revolutionary
Remzija Suljic - courageous women of Srebrenica
Nathan Fain - hardware reverse engineer
Peter Glaser - ccc Veteran
Capt'n Rummelsnuff - iron pumping fan, electronic music
Karl-Christoph von Stünzner-Karbe - retired Colonel

Research and dramaturgy: Sebastian Brünger
Set: Folke Köbberling and Martin Kaltwasser in collaboration with Marc Jungreithmeier
Lightning Design and Video Design: Marc Jungreithmeier
Research and assistant director: Juliane Hahn
Music: Rummelsnuff / Christian Schöfer
Production assistants: Mathilde Benignus and Jonas Heldt
Animations: Riedel&Ulfig
Producer: Katja Sonnemann

A production by Rimini Apparat in co-production with the Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin, the Staatsschauspiel Dresden and the Comédie de Reims / Festival Reims Scènes d'Europe. In cooperation with Messe und Veranstaltungs GmbH Frankfurt (Oder).

Funded by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (Federal Cultural Foundation) for the "Kleist-Jahr 2011", and the Governing Mayor of Berlin - Senatskanzlei Kulturelle Angelegenheiten. (Senate Chancellery,Cultural Affairs.)

Performance rights: schaefersphilippen Theatre and Media GbR