100% Cork

By Haug / Kaegi / Wetzel

By the end of 2011 Cork had 198.582 inhabitants. 51% of them were female, 49% were male. 8% were under age 6, 12% were over 65 years old. 57% were single and only 1% has a Lithuanian passport...
In statistics people are gathered in pieces of pie, bars and curves that are used for political argumentations and economic cost-benefit strategies. What if those statistics had faces? What would it look like if Cork were represented on stage by 100 people, a select population capable of making statistically relevant statements? How many of them are teachers, how many are top earners, and how many are unemployed? How many of them have saved a life, how many party all night long?

For this project, the German/Swiss directors trio Rimini Protokoll is looking for 100 persons who exactly represent a population that was elaborated by the City of Cork Department of Statistics.
Each one of them represents 1.985 inhabitants of Cork on stage. 
«100% Cork» features a performer with 100 heads playing Cork: a choir that hasn’t studied any songs, a survey construction that is continually reconfigured in to new group situations, ephemeral portraits of belonging and antagonisms, a parliament of residents on 100 m² of stage.


Concept: Rimini Protokoll (Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi, Daniel Wetzel)
Direction: Helgard Haug, Una McKevitt
Stage design: Marc Jungreithmeier, Mascha Mazur
Lighting and projection design: Marc Jungreithmeier
Project management: Rachel Murray, Trish Murphy
With 100 people from Cork

Live Music: Cormac O Caoimh together with Colum Pettit and Fintan Lucy

100% Cork builds on an idea that Rimini Protokoll created for the Hebbel Theater in Berlin in 2008 and has since redeveloped in Vienna, Mannheim, Cologne, Melbourne, Athens, London, Oslo and Zürich...